Strategies for High Achievers with Ricky Nowak

  • 16 years ago
Strategies for High Achievers with Ricky Nowak's Empowerment Institute

Would your clients benefit an entertaining and memorable presentation that engages, enlightens and educates delegates?

Would providing your clients with a professional speaker that is in demand add value to the services you are providing?

If you are organising Conferences and Meetings that require that "something special and someone different"

...then let Ricky Nowak CSP change that and bring life to your next event!

Ricky Nowak CSP is the founder and director of Confident Communications, a business devoted to promoting excellence through communication, leadership and presentation programs for high achieving individuals and teams at all levels.

Ricky is known as the Communication Catalyst and has worked with many of Australia's Top 100 companies in diverse industries ranging from mining, finance, health, education, government, to retail and manufacturing. She is able to sustain and measure results from her training, executive coaching and conference presentations by providing a specialized follow up program designed for each client with a variety of options to best fit their needs.

Well known for her innovative approach, Ricky draws on theatrical, teaching and corporate business experiences to create her effective Training, Executive Coaching and Keynote Presentations. She is focussed on business excellence and helping her clients build their relationships, networks and potential. She has an immediate impact on her audience and is outstandingly successful in enhancing skills, motivation and knowledge.

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