• 6 years ago
The ZingZillas wake up and ask Todd for an idea for a song. Tang presses the button to switch the TV on and Drum copies him by pressing the button again. This has the effect of switching the TV off again - before Todd has had a chance to say anything. When any of the ZingZillas speaks, Drum copies. The others realise that Drum is copying them. It soon gets very annoying and Panzee drags Drum off to the glade to stop her annoying the others.

DJ Loose introduces Nuline Dance Cumbria. They are a line dancing team and they dance to country music. When they have finished Panzee decides she wants to do a line dancing song for the Big Zing.

Back at the clubhouse the ZingZillas rehearse a line dancing song. It is a good song but Zak cannot think what to call it. As he dances around Drum copies him - which eventually really, really annoys him.

The ZingZillas cannot decide what to call their song. Then Panzee has a brilliant idea - as Drum likes copying so much, and line dancing is all about copying then that is what the song should be about - copying! They could call the song Why Don't You Copy Us Too? The ZingZillas all cheer - they are ready to play!

Guest performers: Nuline Dance Cumbria


