• 7 years ago
Chinese Man Steals Road, Sells Chunks to Stone Material Factory. An enterprising thief in eastern China has given new meaning to the phrase "highway robbery" by stealing an 800-metre-long stretch of concrete road overnight, a Chinese media report said. Confused locals in the village of Sankeshu in Jiangsu province called police on January 24 to report that the segment of road had mysteriously gone missing, leading some to believe that an unannounced road renovation was underway.

यूं तो चोरी की आपने कई घटनाओं के बारे में सुना होगा... लेकिन आज हम आपको एक ऐसा मामला बताने वाले हैं जिसमें एक ऐसी चोरी होती है जो कल्पना के परे हैं.. या यूं कहें तो ये अब तक इनोवेटिव चोरी है... जिसमें चोर ने सड़क चुरा ली... चीन में एक शख्स ने रातोंरात सड़क ही चुरा ली..


