• 7 years ago
In this video fakily dubbed three years before I met britt, I was subscribed. unbeknownst to what britt was doing on her " other " youtube channel. another tactic that a lyer does is to retrace stepps and within the video, you can tell the one who noticed the video being recorded, is unaware of britts new channel on youtube called " Andrew Swanson ".
meening she is capible and wanting to lie even more to her roomates and lable me as a stalker. her facebook ( Arwen Thorisdottir as always spelled in obsessive scandinavian and other languages to hide herself " cannot help but to live under those who are not smart enough to think and do steriotype gay jokes and reffrences (cmon britt, i know you hate ppl who are like this and yet you live with them cus you dont want them to have the freedom to talk to me just by your word of mouth only as " harassment ". im not harassing you, at all. and apparently, having my hide evidenc of your actions, is harassing for me to show them?
thats witholding evidence of your actions and more serious then preventing me to have them put out there is leagle.
ask yourself this person who is not brittany victoria clay,
" why are you doing this?, why are you getting me involved?, what reason do you REELY have in living with three guys?, are you using us and we think we dont care cus your an innocent woman?, do you feel like you want to use us?, were allowing you to stay cus you want to have an aliby for staying as a reenactor and thats all you kniw?, your actions are obsessive within religon and why?, why are you saying certain lines and words of those obsessive religious people if you ar NOT religious?, do you want to make your own religion and us reenactors look worse?, if you say your not, then why have us hack and have other hack for you to cheat on him?, who is jill helliquinn andother part of your fucked up personalities you dont want ppl to find out so you hacke them aswell? when we find out, youd do that same to us right?, put us in his sitch and yours but we are part of your reenactment group. youd still do the same to us right? "
