We have always thought that the blocks that make up the great pyramid had been sculpted, but a revealing recent discovery indicates that they could have been fused by an ancient alchemical process called "Ari Kat" invented by the great Imhotep, the supposed builder of the first pyramid of Egypt. . This completely restates the paradigm of how the Egyptian pyramids were built, opening new horizons for research. The pyramids in Egypt were built in a surprising way: They used a chemical formula to prepare a limestone concrete with which they molded the millions of stone blocks used in their construction. They are stone made by man. Thus they did not have to cut them in distant quarries and then bring them without wheels and pulleys through the sands of the desert. Nor did they pull blocks that weigh between 4 and 70 tons up to the height of a 40-story building, and then assemble them together with such precision that the card of a deck does not fit on 5 of their faces; something impossible to achieve even with current technology. Joseph Davidovits is one of the world's leading experts on geopolymers and cements of all kinds. After many years he has come to the conclusion that the pyramids of Egypt were built by means of a chemical formula that allowed to return the liquid rocks to put them in molds and to solidify them. The Archaeological community rejects Davidovits' research but with fear, since the scientist's tests and credentials have a lot of weight.