• 7 years ago
I first got the 72 hour food supply kit from this company here http://bit.ly/2qNUZzI

Then I bought this 6 Months of Long Term food Storage here http://bit.ly/2qd6GMk

My Patriot Supply has a lot of gear, food, water filtration and storage products for emergencies and survival. I think they are the best company in its category and that's why I keep building my holdings with their products. The food tastes great and the easy to follow instructions are on the back of every mylar bag.

In addition, I also bought the Fruit, Vegetables and Snacks supply here http://bit.ly/2qP7yZx

Here's My Outdoor Gear Shop at sylentbeast.net

Here's a Custom Gear List from Amazon.
Check it out here https://www.amazon.com/shop/sylentbeast

You can Make a Donation to My Channel Here https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=F4ZF9F86JQBMW

AlexaPure Pro https://youtu.be/ucL2-npgH7I
72 Hour Food Kit https://youtu.be/SQ3-i_rXwa8
Battlbox Mission 14 https://youtu.be/94N_BSRJTl4

Check Out My Social Media:
Blog: sylentbeast.com
Twitter @SylentBeast
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/sylentbeast/
