Get My Ex Back Hypnosis

  • 7 лет назад
(UPDATE: Thank you friends for 5K views. Feel free to send me requests and I will make subliminal on your requested topic)\r
Listen to this hypnosis once in a day. These suggestions will change your mindset and attitude towards your ex. \r
Remember, What You Think You Become! \r
Use stereo headphones for binaural beats to work.\r
Do not listen while driving.\r
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Your comments and suggestions are most welcome!\r
Following suggestions are used in this video:\r
I am in oprtimistic and loving state of mind\r
I am confident that I can get my ex back\r
I am 100% determined to get my ex back\r
I am willing to get my ex back\r
My thoughts are filled with love\r
My presence is radiating love and irresistible attrion\r
My ex senses my loving vibrations\r
My ex is naturally attred to me\r
My ex is realizing that my love is true and I am serious\r
My ex sense my confidence, positivity, love and irresistible \r
magnetism \r
My ex can sense fragrance of love in my words\r
I see myself enjoying precious moments with my ex\r
I feel synchronicity on a deep level to my ex\r
I truly love and appreciate my ex\r
I deeply love, respect and honour my ex \r
I am easily and effectively communicating with my ex\r
I am releasing all negative thoughts and beliefs\r
I am a divine being\r
I am easily clearing all misunderstanding between us\r
I am feeling relaxed and calm because I have faith in myself\r
I am ready for a joyful relationship with my ex\r
I am ready for a meaningful relationship with my ex\r
I am approaching my ex gracefully\r
I am feeling harmonious with my ex on deep level\r
I am communicating with my ex wisely \r
I am focused only on the best qualities of my ex\r
I am kind to myself and my ex\r
I am willing to change my habits to get my ex\r
I am getting back together with my ex\r
I know that my ex can come back easily as I release my resistance\r
I already know what to do, and I follow my intuition\r
I allow my ex to come back in my life easily and effortlessly \r
I believe it will happen and I get out of the way\r
We are already together on a deeper level\r
My ex is magically attred to me\r
My ex is miraculously coming back to me\r
My ex is attring to me with incredible speed as I focus with pure love and passion\r
Getting back with my ex will be easy\r
Getting back with my ex will be frisky\r
Getting back with my ex will be delicious\r
Getting back with my ex will be wonderful\r
I ask universe to get my ex back\r
I believe that my ex will come back\r
I allow my ex back in my life
