Kevin McCarthy Reportedly Sweetened His Relationship With Trump By Offering Starbursts

  • 6 years ago
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy reportedly endeavored to sweeten his relationship with President Trump by offering candy.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy reportedly endeavored to sweeten his relationship with President Trump by offering candy. It was not, of course, just any confection.  The Washington Post reported on Monday that days after noticing Trump has an affinity for Starburst, but only the strawberry and cherry flavors, McCarthy, "bought a plentiful supply…and asked a staffer to sort through the pile, placing only those two flavors in a jar."  "McCarthy made sure his name was on the side of the gift, which was delivered to a grinning Trump, according to a White House official," the Post further notes. It's unclear how much the offering has to do with what has apparently become a strong relationship between McCarthy and Trump, but the latter is known for having a number of notable food preferences.  Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski wrote is his book 'Let Trump Be Trump,' "On Trump Force One there were four major food groups: McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza, and Diet Coke."  It's also been reported that the plane typically carried ample supplies of potato chips, pretzels, Oreos, and Vienna Fingers.