Becks Canvas 2008: Charlotte Bracegirdle Interview

  • 16 years ago
Take a look at the Becks Canvas Finalist Charlotte Bracegirdle. Beck's have supported contemporary art for the best part of 20 years - lending emerging artists such Damien Hirst, Tracy Emin and Jake & Dinos Chapman a helping hand at key points in their career.

This year we have worked with the Royal College of Art to offer four promising artists the opportunity to exhibit their artwork on an unprecedented scale -- having their artwork replace the Becks label on bottles nationwide in August. Once again, providing a foot-up for the next batch of Damien Hirsts.

Charlotte Bracegirdle

Charlotte Bracegirdle, 34, is an alumni of the Masters degree in painting (2006).

Originally from Broardhembury, Devon, Charlotte spent seven years applying to art schools across the UK before accepting a place at the RCA.
Charlotte has previously been awarded the Davis Langdon award (2006) and was shortlisted for 2007's New Contemporaries.

Plans for Charlotte's future are to continue painting and exhibiting her work, she is currently working towards an exhibition for the Madame Lillies Gallery, Stoke Newington, running from 10 September 2008.

Bracegirdle dreams to be an artist in residence at the National Gallery, she loves all the history in there and dreams to spend all her days painting.
