The Darkest Patterns S01E02 "CHAOS"

  • 7 years ago

To comprehend the future we must understand the present. To understand the present we must comprehend human nature and the past.

For the first time in documentary history, see all human civilizations emerge and evolve and battle as one in one strict chronological saga. Presented in the "Language of Television", this series tracks the darkest patterns throughout history that shape the present. These patterns must change otherwise in the 21st Century they promise a dystopian future if we don't overcome the weaknesses of our nature that our elite masters exploit with ever present if not increasing gusto. The reality is we're hardly any more culturally evolved than we were 5000 years ago, yet within the next two decades we're faced with entire new categories of emerging technologies that each alone threaten the survival of our species, while promising to enhance our physical and cognitive abilities. Therefore, if we don't alter the darkest patterns as a species in the immediate future before we start enhancing ourselves we face an almost certain worst case scenario quite possibly in our lifetimes. So this project will explore in depth our cultural evolution from our primal past right up to today to eventually make clear our forward trajectory. In the process we will explore our long often times brutal history of inventions and wars, but also our milestones of triumph over ignorance and evil and learn that we already have most of the ideas we need to survive and thrive beyond this most unprecedented period in human history...


