Peru’s President Faces Possible Ouster in Corruption Scandal


by RisingWorld

Peru’s President Faces Possible Ouster in Corruption Scandal
15, 2017
LIMA, Peru — Lawmakers voted on Friday to begin proceedings
that could oust President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru, the latest leader accused of involvement in a corruption scandal that has shaken some of Latin America’s biggest countries.
On Friday, lawmakers voted overwhelmingly to move ahead with proceedings next week
that could remove Mr. Kuczynski from office, on the grounds that he is "morally handicapped." They scheduled a hearing for Thursday, at which Mr. Kuczynski is expected to present a defense.
Alberto Quintanilla said that This scandal has highlighted the moral misery of our political regime,
In October, an ousted Brazilian prosecutor released a tape in which an Odebrecht official said
that President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela had accepted millions in campaign contributions in exchange for contracts.
Prosecutors have said Odebrecht paid bribes on 100 projects in more than a dozen countries, in one case
buying a local bank branch to hide the transactions, and even opening a division dedicated to payoffs.
Pontifical Catholic University said that By Christmas we will probably have a new president,
According to documents sent to Congress and released this week, Odebrecht paid
$782,000 in advisory fees to Westfield Capital, a company Mr. Kuczynski owns.