Acts of Resistance and Restraint Defy Easy Definition in the West Bank

  • 7 years ago
Acts of Resistance and Restraint Defy Easy Definition in the West Bank
"This shows that they should get over their fears and their weakness — especially the women." Though Ms. Tamimi’s arrest — in a night raid captured on video
and publicized by the army — slaked a thirst for punishment on the Israeli side, the scene of the young woman being hauled away may have given Palestinians the clear-cut propaganda coup they had been denied by the original confrontation.
Israel’s education minister, Naftali Bennet, said Ms. Tamimi
and the other women who scuffled with the soldiers alongside her — her mother and an older cousin — "should finish their lives in prison." By Tuesday morning, Ms. Tamimi was in custody; the other two were arrested later.
that Imagine if this girl was in an Arab country, and she hit a soldier in his face publicly, in the middle of the street.
Israelis could not decide whether the soldiers were virtuous pillars of forbearance and strength — "It’s soldiers like this
that give Israel the moral high-ground," Peter Lerner, a retired army spokesman, declared — or an embarrassing advertisement of national paralysis and vulnerability.
"This is a mockery," a man named Saber Mohammad fumed on Facebook, saying it showed "the beautiful face of the occupier." But with Palestinians and Israelis once again confronting one another with rocks and tear gas, this time in reaction to President Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, what seemed inescapable was
that a moment that broke with the visual clichés of intifadas past had seized imaginations on both sides.
But Ms. Tamimi’s face has already launched a thousand memes, and the Tamimis of Nabi Saleh and their frequent videos have drawn international attention to their tiny village and its long-running disputes with a nearby Israeli settlement, Halamish,
that Nabi Saleh residents say has stolen their land and water.
