• 6 years ago
PAU ALABAJOS performs the song "FIRENZE" for BalconyTV.
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'L’amor i la ferocitat' (Bureo Músiques, 2016) és un cant a les dues cares de la moneda, al millor i al pitjor que portem dins, als espais entre el blanc i el negre i a tot allò que ens apassiona des de les vísceres. Cançons crues, però precioses, inspirades en poemes, en ideals combatius i vivències personals. Un disc sense claqueta, gravat com es feien les coses abans i a Nashville; vital i oxigenat. Pop en la seva vessant més ample que interpel•la a la naturalesa complexa i bella de la vida mateixa. Escoltar el sisè disc de Pau Alabajos hauria de ser una assignatura obligatòria a les nostres escoles.

'L’amor i la ferocitat' (trad. 'Love and ferocity') (Bureo Músiques, 2016)" sings about the two sides of a coin, about the best and the worst that grows within ourselves, the grey space between black and white, a song to all those things that move us from the guts. Raw songs, yet beautiful, inspired in poems, in politics, values and personal experiences. An album recorded without cuts -just how things were done back in the day- in Nashville. Pop in its wider sense, appealing to human nature: the precious one, but also the darker. Listen to Pau Alabajos' sixth album should be mandatory in every school.


Production and Direction: clicksound
Presenter: Laura C. de Agorreta
Sound and Audio post production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Original initiative by Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay

Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (http://www.hackneyshop.com)
Views: Yurbban Trafalgar Hotel (http://www.yurbban.com)
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (http://www.masquevideo.com)

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