• 6 years ago
VILLAGE H performs the song "MOONSHINE" for BalconyTV.
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Duo acustico che propone una contaminazione acustica di roots music che spazia dal blues, allo swing, alla Irish music, passando per riarrangiamenti e composizioni proprie.
Strumenti protagonisti sono chitarre acustiche artigianali, chitarre resofoniche, mandolino e armoniche, voce e loop di chitarra fatti al momento.
"Il duo trae ispirazione dal blues, lo swing e irish Music tra ripropostozioni e pezzi propri proponendo concerti di roots music". Musica ideale sia per sottofondi sia per creare vivacità dove richiesto grazie ad un vasto repertorio ritmato, dalle ampie sonorità che si rifanno alle roots cioè alle radici appunto passando dal blues, swing e Irish Music.

Acoustic Duo root's music Our sound is a contamination of root's music that embrace Blues, Swing, Irish Music, including rearrangements and original tracks.
Our basic instrumentations are guitars (Acoustic and resofonic guitars) and blues harps and voice featuring guitar's loops. If required we are able to provide amplification that results convenient to deliver ambient music in larger venues or to enhance the sound vividness.
"The acoustic duo was inspired by blues , swing and Irish music between cover and origina song by proposing to roots music live".
Our repertoire is ideal for all type of events such as dinners, happy hours and parties. We will be able to easily tailor it to accommodate any of your requests.

YouTube http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWNAx7vLwtYInpbdyyT4QAiWpejYCGHKl

Soundcloud http://soundcloud.com/maiky-blues/sets/village-h


location: Rifugio Bindesi www.facebook.com/rifugio.bindesi.sat/?fref=ts
production: Centro di Aggregazione Giovanile L'AREA APPM Onlus www.appm.it
host: Fabrizio Tdeschini www.facebook.com/Fabrizio-Tedeschini-1519003448398227/?fref=ts
video-audio: Stefano Zanol
photo: Alison Sevigniani https://www.facebook.com/alison.sevignani?fref=ts
special thanks: Ilaria, Fabio e Federico by Rifugio Bindesi

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