Fieldsports Britain - Which rifle for seals and squirrels?

  • 7 years ago
What's cuter: seals or squirrels? In this week's programme we're off to shoot both of them. We're with Center Parcs ranger Jerry Moss in Cumbria, a leading light in the Penrith & District Red Squirrel Group. He's the one who designed that new Daystate airrifle, the Red Ranger, specifically for squirrels. He shows how he goes about his job, trapping and shooting greys so he can maintain his island of reds at the Penrith Center Parcs holiday camp. Then on to Scotland where you cannot now shoot a seal without a licence (new law that snuck in last month). We're with Sporting Rifle editor Peter Carr who wants to see seals recognised as a great British big game species. Now, none of this shooting could be done without concealment, so we're at a factory in Surrey, IDT Systems, which specialises in dunking shooting kit in Realtree camouflage. Watch out seals and squirrels - we're getting better at our job!
