• 8 years ago
Cheap rifles - are they worth it? Tim Pilbeam says yes, as long as you look out for a few key aspects of the rifle you want to buy. He talks through the possible pitfalls in a cheap rifle. Meanwhile, the Jack Pyke Pro Sporting clayshoot attracted 800 people last week. That's an incredible figure for a shoot that isn't a major classic. What's the secret of its success? We meet up with shooters including Andy Crow to find out. News Stump has a poaching case and more anti action, while wild boar lead the charge on Hunting YouTube. It's essential weekly viewing: #FieldsportsBritain

Here are the links:

Cheap rifles
For more from Tim, visit http://www.fieldsportschannel.tv/category/films-with-some-of-our-best-know-faces/tim-pilbeam/

Jack Pyke
For more from Jack Pyke, visit http://www.jackpyke.co.uk
For Sporting Targets, go to http://sportingtargets.co.uk

News is sponsored by Percussion http://www.percussion-europe.com. Here are the stories:
US hunting TV star caught 'wasting elk' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hUUw2fAvbI
British sporting sculptures https://www.wilsonandgearing.com/
Wildlife Services https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqYlP_gLsA
New rifle/scope combo https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1300951650003042&id=548517425246472&substory_index=0
Kevin Pietersen https://twitter.com/KP24/status/875699161651441664
For a full news round-up, go to http://www.fieldsportschannel.tv/category/fieldsportsnews

Here are the films in Hunting YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3KxM9c3T7K_NAal6cTmoJlP1LQYW5NFI

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