Amazing slinky tricks.Amazing slinky tricks.
These Australians decided to have some fun by testing out a theory on kinetic energy. Check out what happens when they place a bunch of balls on an escalator! Original Link:
We take Ping Pong Trick Shots to the next level! Sponsored advertising by Oreo Cookies. Some of our biggest videos ever are coming out soon so stay tuned so you won't miss a thing! ▻Click...
This video shows people doing many different amazing tricks. Enjoy! Like Us on FACEBOOK /Compilariz Follow Us on TWITTER No...
Magic or science? Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos! MUSIC League of Nations Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. GET MORE BUZZFEED:...
These Australians decided to have some fun by testing out a theory on kinetic energy. Check out what happens when they place a bunch of balls on an escalator! Original Link:
We take Ping Pong Trick Shots to the next level! Sponsored advertising by Oreo Cookies. Some of our biggest videos ever are coming out soon so stay tuned so you won't miss a thing! ▻Click...
This video shows people doing many different amazing tricks. Enjoy! Like Us on FACEBOOK /Compilariz Follow Us on TWITTER No...
Magic or science? Check out more awesome BuzzFeedBlue videos! MUSIC League of Nations Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music Inc. GET MORE BUZZFEED:...