Dog is very jeleous of a stuffed toy.We all know our pets have feelings, and our dogs sometimes exhibit signs of jealousy. But are they really jealous? Feel free to leave a comment! Share this video in Facebook/Twitter/Google+...
Dog doesn't like when her owner pets other stuff animals. Dog jealous Follow bored panda on facebook for more cool videos.
Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)
He couldn't handle the competition. A hilarious video shows the moment a jealous dog just can't take it anymore as he watches his owner petting a stuffed animal. It's not clear where the video...
When this dog saw that her owner had her favorite stuffed animal, she immediately stood up and waited to play with it. As soon as they gave her the toy, she hugged it tight and got a treat....
Dog doesn't like when her owner pets other stuff animals. Dog jealous Follow bored panda on facebook for more cool videos.
Jukin Media Verified (Original) * For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)
He couldn't handle the competition. A hilarious video shows the moment a jealous dog just can't take it anymore as he watches his owner petting a stuffed animal. It's not clear where the video...
When this dog saw that her owner had her favorite stuffed animal, she immediately stood up and waited to play with it. As soon as they gave her the toy, she hugged it tight and got a treat....