Directed by : Joan Chemla
Produced by : Nord-Ouest Films
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 26 min
French release: 10/01/2018
Production year: 2017
After the accidental death of his best friend, Daniel washes up at the Metropole Hotel, a refuge for lost souls and folks exluded from society. .
Guilt-ridden, little by little he sinks into the violence surrounding him.
His encounter with Francine will light up his existence.
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Produced by : Nord-Ouest Films
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 26 min
French release: 10/01/2018
Production year: 2017
After the accidental death of his best friend, Daniel washes up at the Metropole Hotel, a refuge for lost souls and folks exluded from society. .
Guilt-ridden, little by little he sinks into the violence surrounding him.
His encounter with Francine will light up his existence.
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