• 7 years ago
"We might be apart but I hope you always know
You'll be with me wherever I go" - Miley Cyrus

For the past 6 seasons we’ve seen a student slowly evolve to teacher status. We’ve also occasionally been given a bit more for the mentor and ruler, rather than blank and useless.

So what does the new season offer us? We’ll attend the ceremony...in the viewing seats.

Additional Art by ForNoGoodReason, Emily Remmer and Brett Thornbury

Text Version: http://railpony.tumblr.com/post/160064907920/in-the-viewing-seats-celestial-advice
My Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/railpony/
My Twitter: https://twitter.com/railpony

Donate to keep me flying: https://paypal.me/ADRP2369

Watch the Episode Here: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5ig6bp_my-little-pony-season-7-episode-01-celestial-advice-english-hd_tv


