• 8 years ago
The Zebra Bus embarks on a final mission to find that last and most elusive member of the Big Seven – the Great White Shark! They set off on a mission to Bird Island, a feathery paradise without equal and home to the biggest Cape Gannet colony in the world. Here the adventurers have to dodge birds in flight in order to get a closer look at the nests and newly hatched chicks.

The team soon meets other residents of the island, like the African Penguin, who has no fear of the visitors. With wetsuits and flippers the children explore the watery world of the flightless birds. This however is no way to look for sharks. The explorers board a research boat tagging sharks in the hope to catch a glimpse of the last animal on their list. Suddenly, there is a frenzy of activity as the predators surround the boat!

A massive five-meter shark makes an appearance, one of the biggest ever seen at Bird Island. Although the kids are scared, they learn how amazing this sea creature is. With the hunt for the Big Seven finally over, the youth return to their homes with a deep love for Nature in their hearts.


