Judge Confirms Our Worst Fears And Releases Audio Of Muslim Oklahoma Beheader Explaining His Motives

  • 7 years ago
Judge Confirms Our Worst Fears And Releases Audio Of Muslim Oklahoma Beheader Explaining His Motives

Source: Freedom Daily

A Muslim man was recently sentenced for the horrific beheading of a coworker and the brutal attacks he committed on others at a Moore food-processing plant. The judge threw every book possible at the brutal attacker after the jury made their decisions, leaving Alton Nolen with no other option but the death penalty. Nolen will spend the rest of his life awaiting his day on the bed of execution, thinking about the bloody things he did for reasons that completely do not justify his dismembering actions.

The judge later released audio of the Muslim who beheaded someone that sad day in Oklahoma. The audio provides coverage of the beheader stating his potential motives and explanation for why he murdered a co-worker and attacked others back in 2014. It truly confirms horror and makes matters more excruciating for friends and family of the victims.

The interrogation interview audio is frightening and may cause your stomach to swirl in a sea of sickness. KOCO 5 News reports that some of this audio was played for the jury and that helped them deliberate the conviction that ultimately leads to Nolen’s death sentence. The following is part of the interview transcript that Nolen provided to the FBI while he was in a hospital bed after the horrendous attacks.

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