• 8 years ago
While there are many people who don't do it. It's important to get blood tests somewhat regularly in order to have a better understanding of your health in the long term. This is especially true for athletes who push their body to the limit. But what many people don't know is that your test results can be different for bodybuilders... and lead to misleading assumptions potentially by doctors.

Much like any medical test results - it's important for doctors to know the context of your life and what you are doing/putting into your body in order to best understand what the results mean. What can potentially look like early signs of liver failure... might just be natural elevated levels for a bodybuilder after training. That's why Jerry Brainum breaks down key things to look out for to make sure you don't get prematurely diagnosed with a medical issue you don't really have. He also talks about the importance of taking tests and what to look out for when you are taking steroids regularly. Check it out above!

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