Get Google Ads Free - Review

  • 16 years ago
Visit: Visit the site above and see for yourself! Get Google Ads Free - Review I bought a book over the weekend that I'd like to review here. It is called 'Get Google Ads Free' and claims to teach you how you can advertise on Google AdWords (or any PPC) for ZERO cost. Quite some claim. The author makes an even bigger claim. He says that he has achieved more that $87 million in free ads since he began this process, and over $12 million of that in the last year alone. I was intrigued. Actually, scratch that, I was burning with curiosity: How does he DO that? I had several theories as to how this might have been achieved, but all of them appeared to be discounted in the sales letter. A note on the sales letter: it is very hypey. It doesn't seem to make any claims that are not answered in the book, but the way those claims are worded makes a very simple idea look to be a lot more interesting than it actually is. Perhaps that is just good copywriting. It isn't dishonest, but it is a bit over the top. Curiosity is a powerful motivator. I really wanted to know how this guy (I think his name is Jon, but I can't find his full name in the book anywhere) was achieving such enormous amounts of advertising, apparently at no cost whatsoever. I figured that as the book is sold through ClickBank, if it turned out to be total trash, I could easily get a refund (that's the beauty of ClickBank - they refund with no questions asked). Now that I've read the book, I won't be asking for a refund. I learned things from it that will more than pay the cover price. But does it really fulfill the claims made in the sales letter? Yes and no. Yes, because it does explain how you can make your Google advertising effectively free. The book does do what it promises. It actually does quite a lot more than it promises because the 'secret' that you are buying it for could be explained in a couple of pages, and yet 'Get Google Ads Free' runs to 85! No, because there is a ...
