Gregory Mannarino-When Debt Bubble Pops Millions Will Die

  • 7 лет назад
Financial analyst Gregory Mannarino contends, “We are in uncharted territory. Its occurring right under everybodys nose. Barely anyone is aware of what is going on because its not getting any media coverage. There is this phenomenon where trillions of dollars of currency are being moved or rushing towards the debt market that is squeezing bond yields to historic lows. We are making history in the United States for the second week in a row, and I am talking about the bond market. Last week, we hit an historic low with regard to yield. People are so desperate, people are so desperate they are willing to accept negative returns. This is how desperate they are. . . . This is, and I cant stress this enough, this is the biggest red flag I can possibly imagine. We are on the cusp of some event that is going to change the landscape of the world.”\r
The other warning sign that something is very wrong can be seen in the price of gold and silver. Mannarino says, “Both gold and silver, since the beginning of this year, have taken off like rockets, and they are not going to stop. This environment is on the edge. . . . These are monetary metals. People refer to them as precious metals. They are real money, and they have been real money for thousands of years. No central banker is going to make it different just by saying they are not money. The system is illiquid, and the banks are insolvent.”\r
The real cost will be in lives lost. Mannarino contends, “We have seen debt rise in tandem with human population. We understand the debt is not sustainable, and we understand the world central banks are going through very desperate measures to try to keep that debt bubble sustained. The debt bubble is the greatest threat to humankind—bar none. It is greater than a nuclear exchange. There is going to be a point when we cannot borrow anymore from the future. When that happens, the debt bubble pops, and we get a correction in human population. Millions and millions of people are going to die.”\r
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Gregory Mannarino, founder of\r
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