Gutierrez Grills Sessions On His Intentions Regarding Trump’s Promise To Jail Hillary Clinton

  • 7 years ago
Attorney General Jeff Sessions was grilled on Tuesday about his intentions regarding President Trump’s campaign promise to jail Hillary Clinton.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions was grilled on Tuesday about his intentions regarding President Trump's campaign promise to jail Hillary Clinton.
During a hearing, House Judiciary Committee member Luis Gutiérrez, a Democratic Representative from Illinois, read the past statement Trump made on the matter.
He recounted Trump saying to Clinton during the second presidential debate, "If I win, I will instruct my attorney get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies so much deception…because you'd be in jail."
"Are you going to keep that campaign promise?" Gutiérrez asked Sessions directly.
"I will fulfill my responsibilities," Sessions initially responded.
When further pressed on the matter of opening a special counsel investigation into Clinton and the pressure the president has placed upon him to do so, Sessions said, "We will comply with the law with regard to special prosecutor appointments."
According to a Monday Washington Post report, Sessions has already begun to research whether or not such an appointment is warranted.
The publication notes that a letter sent by the Justice Department in response to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte's insistence that a special prosecutor be designated to investigate a number of Clinton-related matters offers assurances that Sessions is "entertaining the idea of appointing a second special counsel."
Issues raised by Goodlatte include Clinton's private email server and her involvement in the Russian uranium deal.