Raw Herb Crusted Portobello Mushroom Steak and Top 10 ...

  • 16 years ago
http://www.therenegadehealthshow.com - This episode had its challenges... First we needed to cram a prep show into 10 minutes. Second... on top of the prep show... we needed to give you the Top 10 foods you'll always find in our kitchen. The criteria for this was simple... 1. The food is always in our kitchen. 2. It has to be a perishable (not a spice or anything dried) This is NOT a list of the healthiest foods on earth or anything like that. Many people ask us what we eat and from this list, you'll get a pretty good idea! We ALSO prepare and awesome raw herb-crusted portobello mushroom steak that has a pine nut cheese topping. It tastes awesome and is amazing for outdoor raw or vegan "barbecues". We got this recipe from GoneRaw.com, a great source for raw recipes! (Actually it looks like Rhio is the author of this one.) Go ahead and watch it now...