Byakuya no Bankai - Episode 1

  • il y a 16 ans
This video is part of the Byakuya no Kanashimi Project.

This is the first episode of the madarame's "Byakuya no Bankai", with the fight between daï and madarame, and Byakuya practising his best moves (Shunpo, Genjutsu, Shikai, Bankai, hand-to-hand fight, etc.)

While being highly impressive and cool looking, this video may not be suitable for people aged between 32 and 35.

Once again I'd like to thank all the sponsors mentioned in the video for both the money and the sprits they gave us. It helped us a lot to finish this and it wouldn't have looked that good without you.

You may notice the actor playing Byakuya is also the same as the one playing Captain Chevelu : this is false and doesn't make sense at all. The actor, however, is also Itachi as you have probably already noticed.

Fan service was involved in the making of this video, however no harm was done to Matthieu. Furthermore, please give me the source code or I'll kill you.

An high quality version of this video may or may not be found on partage-facile, one cannot know.

Le secret de l'histoire réside en haut lieu.

While this video may seem to be rather hardcore, especially with the insanely violent fight near the end, a softcore version may or may not be uploaded one day or another on youtube. Madarame may or may not fall in it.

Madi Nemri ne dis pas, does he ?

This video was watch by Modi, he now doesn't share the beauties of life in this world.

Why did it happen to me ? I don't know

This video may bring you the answers to the biggest secrets of the universe. Yes, I'm talking about the ones which have their answers hidden in dungeons guarded by mages and knights.

Knights have fallen, ZenithM won't.

Go to for more information.

