• 8 years ago
NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA — When DMX said "Where my dogs at?" he wasn't referring to his actual dogs. That's not how the morons at the Louisiana Supreme Court would see it.

A suspect in an interrogation told detectives to "just give me a lawyer dog". Anyone with half a brain understands that his means give me a lawyer, not a dog that's a lawyer.

But that's exactly how the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled. They said the suspect was in fact asking for a lawyer dog, and not invoking his right to counsel.

The ruling by the high court could have serious implications for the suspect charged with sexual assault, because it will allow his subsequent incriminating statements into evidence at his pending trial.
The court also clarified that requesting a canine attorney need not cause the police to stop questioning someone.

Once an individual asks for an attorney, police are not supposed continue their line of questioning.

Warren Demesme, then 22, was being questioned by New Orleans officer in October 2015 after two young girls accused him of sexually assaulting them.
Demesme had been brought in a second time for questioning. After denying the crime several times, in frustration, he told police, "this is how I feel, if y'all think I did it, I know that I didn't do it so why don't you just give me a lawyer dog cause this is not what's up."


