How to Fix Facebook? We Asked 9 Experts


by RisingWorld

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How to Fix Facebook? We Asked 9 Experts
Critics say the company’s central role in modern communication has undermined the news business, split Americans into partisan echo chambers
and “hijacked” our minds with a product designed to keep us addicted to the social network.
If a palette of six emoji-faced angry-love-sad-haha emotional buttons continues to be the way we engage with one another —
and how we respond to the news — then it’s going to be an uphill battle.
Chief executive of Upworthy and author of “The Filter Bubble.”
It would be a bold move for transparency, and one that would help us understand
much better what’s happening on the world’s most important social platform.
This would increase the diversity of items in the News Feed, and would make it more likely
that users were exposed to people and information that didn’t support their own confirmation bias.