White House Maintains Kelly Didn't Mischaracterize Wilson's 2015 Speech

  • 7 years ago
The White House is standing by chief of staff John Kelly’s account of Representative Frederica Wilson’s remarks at a 2015 FBI building dedication even though video has since shown he was likely mistaken.

The White House is standing by chief of staff John Kelly’s account of Representative Frederica Wilson’s remarks at a 2015 FBI building dedication even though a video has since shown he was likely mistaken. 
When press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about correcting the apparent mischaracterization during a briefing Tuesday, she said, “I don't believe that General Kelly mischaracterized. He gave his account of what took place.” 
“General Kelly and his family have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  I think he’s led with honor and integrity.  I think he’s doing a great job of Chief of Staff, and I don't think he has anything to correct or apologize for," Sanders added. 
The controversy began last week when Kelly appeared at a press briefing to defend President Trump’s remarks to a widow whose soldier husband had been killed in Niger. 
After criticizing the Congresswoman for listening in on Trump’s condolence call, he claimed that, during the opening of an FBI field office in her home state of Florida, she had, in his words, “talked about how she was instrumental in getting the funding for that building, and how she took care of her constituents because she got the money, and she just called up President Obama, and on that phone call he gave the money -- the $20 million -- to build the building.”
"We were stunned. But, you know, none of us went to the press and criticized. None of us stood up and were appalled. We just said, okay, fine,” Kelly added. 
However, the Sun Sentinel later posted the video of her speech, and she does not appear to mention securing funding for the building. 
And, according to the Chicago Tribune, though Wilson talked about her role in the building’s naming process, she also listed other lawmakers who contributed. 
Meanwhile, the Florida Democrat is said to have pointed out herself that she didn’t begin her term in Congress until 2011--two years after the building’s funding had already been established. 
