Commemoration of Ofra Haza's passing - in 2010 Tel Aviv

  • 16 years ago
People of the world, listen to this!!:
In Norway - the anti-semite state no 2! - Ofra Haza -(the most recognized voice in the world by world's music critics - DOES NOT! exist in ANY library archives.
As you might know, the Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has with him in his Government the Israel-hater, Kristin Halvorsen, that want Israel erased from the map as intensively as Amedinejad in Iran! She is prepared to set up a new Auschwitz - if she could!
She hates Israel that much that she does noteat oranges imported from the Holy Land, and she yearn for her boss to enact a full stop of all imports from Israel.

Mossad! - you just be vigilant towards the Norwegian government run by anti-semites like those strange figures!
Al-Queda prospers and thrives under the Jens Stoltenberg anti-semite Government.

They just - also - made a child molestation law! The "rights" of gays and lesbians to force kids under such slavery of disgust and depravation.

Sorry folks, I just had to tell you this under this label of a woman who is being rejected and denied by a Israel-hater country - Norway.
Ofra was by world's music critics labelled as the MOST UNIQUE VOICES IN THE WORLD.
And there is NONE CDs to borrow in the Norwegian library by her!!!
You know that the Jews were handed over to Hitler then, and those seventeen who survived found all their properties confiscated - yes, even their underwears!! when they in their impoverished state manage to return to Norway, freed by the White Busses.
