Bulletins 1200 6th October 2017

  • 7 years ago
Gulalai Ismail, a Pashtun human rights activist from Khyber Pakhtuknwa’s Swabi district, has been awarded Anna Politkovskaya Award by the Reach all Women in War (RAW), said a RAW report.

Gauri Lankesh, a journalist and critical of right-wing groups in India – was also posthumously awarded the 2017 Anna Politkovskaya Award. She was killed by unidentified assailants in the Indian city of Bengaluru last month.

Gulalai Ismail founded Aware Girls with her sister Saba Islmail to challenge the culture of violence and the oppression of women in the rural peripheries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The organization aimed at providing girls and young women with leadership skills to challenge oppression and fight for their rights.


