• 8 years ago
In this video basic of construction and working principle of 3 phase induction motor is explained with the help of 3d animation.

An #electrical motor is such an #electromechanical device which converts electrical energy into a mechanical energy. In case of three phase AC operation, most widely used motor is Three phase induction motor as this type of motor does not require any starting device or we can say they are self starting induction motor.
For better understanding the principle of three phase induction motor, the basic constructional feature of this motor must be known to us. This Motor consists of two major parts:
Stator of three phase induction motor is made up of numbers of slots to construct a 3 phase winding circuit which is connected to 3 phase AC source. The three phase winding are arranged in such a manner in the slots that they produce a rotating magnetic field after 3Ph. AC supply is given to them.
Rotor of three phase induction motor consists of cylindrical laminated core with parallel slots that can carry conductors. Conductors are heavy copper or aluminum bars which fits in each slots & they are short circuited by the end rings. The slots are not exactly made parallel to the axis of the shaft but are slotted a little skewed because this arrangement reduces magnetic humming noise & can avoid stalling of motor.

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#Electrical elements are conceptual abstractions representing idealized electrical components, such as #Electricity # Resistance # Capacitor #Diodes #LED #photodiode # Rectifier #zenerdiode #SPST #SPDT #Relay #Transformer #inductors #Diac #Switches #Batteries #Breadboard #Mosfet #Logicgate #AND #OR #NOT #NAND #NOR #EX-OR #Series-Circuit #parallel-Circuit #Touch-switch #BJT #FET #LDR #VDR & #Transistors etc.
electrical components, such as #3PhaseInduction-Motor #SubStation #AC-Motors #AutoTransformers #CTInstrumentTransformers # PTInstrumentTransformers #Dcmotor #DCGenerator #ELCB #MCB #no-loadcurrenttransformer #PowerFactor #PowerTransformer #synchronousmotor #CurrentTransformer & #PLC etc
used in the analysis of electrical #networks by #Engineer.jonyislam ( #Jonyislam )
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