I Asked a Pastor the Same Question that Made his Daughter an Atheist! (Matt Slick vs David Smalley)

  • 7 лет назад
Matt Slick debated David Smalley this last week. At the debate, I decided to ask Pastor Matt Slick the same question that led Matt Slicks own daughter to become an atheist. Here is his response, and my reion to it.\r
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Pastor Matt Slick is the founder of CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry). A site which tries to answer questions people have about Christianity. As a former Christian, I was not impressed.\r
David Smalley is the host of the Dogma Debate Podcast:\r
The question:\r
If God was absolutely moral, because morality was absolute, and if the nature of “right” and “wrong” surpassed space, time, and existence, and if it was as much a fundamental property of reality as math, then why were some things a sin in the Old Testament but not a sin in the New Testament?\r
43Alley - Realizing Hell Does Not Exist:\r
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