Antes de morir hablaba con un amigo,Estremecedor audio del momento,Conversación tractomula cuando un mulero se queda sin frenos Y ESTE MUERE EN EL ACCIDENTE,Estremecedor audio del momento cuando un mulero se queda sin frenos y muere,Conversación tractomula.
Before dying I was talking to a friend, Audio shiver of the moment, Conversation tractomula when a mule runs out of brakes AND THIS DIES IN THE ACCIDENT, Audio shocking moment when a mule runs out of brakes and dies, Conversation tractomula,
Before dying I was talking to a friend, Audio shiver of the moment, Conversation tractomula when a mule runs out of brakes AND THIS DIES IN THE ACCIDENT, Audio shocking moment when a mule runs out of brakes and dies, Conversation tractomula,