Bannon: Gary Cohn Should Have Resigned

  • 7 years ago
Steve Bannon said during a '60 Minutes' interview that Gary Cohn should have resigned after Charlottesville.

Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon says Donald Trump's top economic adviser Gary Cohn should have resigned over his criticism of the president's remarks on Charlottesville violence.
"If you don't like what he's doing, and you don't agree with it, you have an obligation to resign," Bannon told Charlie Rose in a clip from a CBS News' '60 Minutes' interview scheduled to air on September 10.
When Rose asked if Cohn should have resigned, Bannon responded, "absolutely."
During a combative press briefing, Trump blamed "both sides" - white supremacists and counterprotesters - for the deadly violence in Charlottesville on August 12.
Axios reported, citing inside sources, that Trump’s remarks left Cohn, “somewhere between appalled and furious."
Glenn Thrush, a New York Times White House correspondent, made a similar assessment of the adviser’s reaction, tweeting, “Gary Cohn, NEC chair — who is Jewish — was ‘disgusted’ and ‘upset’ by Trump’s comments on white nationalists, per 3 ppl with knowledge.”
His colleague Maggie Haberman took to Twitter as well, writing, “Gary Cohn said to be deeply upset by last few days, per multiple sources. Not leaving admin but not happy.”
