Iaquinta the real gladiator

  • il y a 16 ans
It seems that audiences Club Allioventos began to enjoy the authority enjoyed by the club's strategy in the market transitions. After effectively prevented negotiations with the Serbian player Stankovic through Ahtjajathm, here are repeating now done in another attempt to prevent the departure of one of the players. The player winning this support is Iaconta Italian striker, who despite a game of the games less than expected last season but win the hearts of many fans of Ms. old. Members of the famous site Alliofawi on the World Wide Web VecchiaSignora.com wrote a letter to club management aim to retain the player, winner of the 2006 World Cup. The letter says, "There are some players who have the ability to adapt to the team, with joy, even when the errors have to understand team spirit." The letter added, "There are some players who once put their feet on the ground training, you can see that you've through consideration of their faces. Not interested if they were the first option for the team or not. Iaconta Vicenza, and although the period of stay at the club barely exceeded the 12 Each month brings these qualities. " She concluded the letter with "insisting that Iaconta and level of determination and represents a large part of Allioventos. Iaconta The crowds loved all these reasons, they do not want his departure to the club Allioventos. Iaconta you and the finishing." It remains to be seen whether this step will be effective as the one before that was against the arrival of Juventus Stankovic.


