7 Things Science Knows About Your Sex Life That You Don’t - Interesting about sex - Pleasure of sex

  • 7 years ago
7 Things Science Knows About Your Sex Life That You Don’t | interesting about sex | pleasure of sex

A recent article published by Nerve found that science knows a thing or two that you don't when it comes to your sex life. According to the collection of research, the shape of your body is a sure-as-hell sign of how rowdy your next romp is going to be and the size of your date's index finger may be a dead giveaway for what kind of heat he's packin' (if you catch my drift).
The arbitrary revelations assert that your body type determines how desirable you are to potential partners based on qualities that are only skin deep. Not only is society putting too much pressure on what's happening on the outside, but now science is joining the ranks of the looks-first movement.
Having a crooked smile means you'll probably only bed guys who haven't yet been circumcised and that having bigger boobs makes you more desirable to men because it reminds them of their mothers. A bigger penis is actually a turn-off for women because they don't want all that shoved up the broom closet — who knew?
The hard-hitting research goes on to prove a bevy of facts, like the fact that dominant guys like girls with smaller chests and staring at boobs, no matter their size, actually tacks on five years to any guy's life and is just as fulfilling as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.
But that's not all. There's plenty more schooling to do when it comes to your body type and your sexual preferences.
1. An average rack means you'll definitely attract sexist guys
The Nerve article just lightly touches on the fact that a B- and C-cup puts you within reach of the douchey guy at the bar and research from the University of Westminster agrees. After analyzing how 361 men aged 18-68 reacted to 3D models of women with varying breast sizes, researchers found that 32.7 percent of guys found medium-sized boobs most attractive.
Researchers then concluded that guys associate these size tops with “traditional” femininity and also asserts that these men think women are both “meek” and “weak.” Which means where making huge headway in the fight for gender equality.
No wonder Joan had such a tortured experience climbing the corporate ladder.
2. It's all in the fingers
The “bigger the hands, bigger the dick” aphorism might not be totally reliable but that doesn't mean there isn't just a flicker of truth to the slogan.
According to research out of Korea, a man whose index finger is shorter than his ring finger is more likely to have a bigger package. Which makes for great conversation when you meet a guy at a bar and just casually ask to see how much bigger his hand is than yours…
But that begs the question: Is bigger always better?
3. Boobs, boobs, they're good for your heart (and apparently, your longevity)
Jury's still out on the authenticity of this study, but apparently a German doctor by the name of Katren Weatherby found that ogling a woman’s boobs for 10 minutes a day will magically add five years to a dude's lifespan.
The study, which involved three different hospitals in Frankfurt, looked at the overall health of 200 males for a period of five years. They found that the guys who took in more boob sightings had lower blood pressure, were less likely to develop coronary artery disease and had slower pulse rates than their (unfortunate) counterparts, who didn't get boob views as often.
The supposed research didn't take a woman's personality into account at all (but why would it?). Pretty sure this makes for the ultimate “Look, but don't touch” argument.
4. Top heavy? You'll only attract guys who want kids
Research published in Psychology Today analyzed the “evolutionary perspective on breast size” and found that guys who have no interest in becoming fathers were turned off by bigger chests. Apparently they know what happens with that whole breastfeeding situation (you know, like sustaining a life solely by your breast milk, making women the most Powerful People on the Planet) and they want no part in it.

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