Claire: Cyberdyne Systems Model 101: Programing And Training

  • 7 years ago
Cyberdyne Systems Model 101: CSM-101-E, the model for T-801 Heavy Combat Terminator. "Well lookie here!!! We gots ourselves ah regular Jackson Pollock!!"

"...And I think sometimes she looks sideways like that cause she's using her peripheral vision" 3:48. Yeah, that must be it. More delusional rationale in an attempt to find meaning in chaos.

At 7:12 Stare's eyes were NOWHERE near the image to trigger the software to replay. Yet it was triggered. What--the--fuck. More bullshit said about "peripheral vision."

I'm curious, it appears the prerequisites for the title of "therapist" include:
*Being a fat female
*Wearing baggy sweat clothes
*Not wearing make-up
*The appearance of having awakened 20-minutes prior to arriving at client's home
*Being barefoot
*More time spent yapping with caregiver than with crippled client

It looks as though the training involved to be a therapist is comparable to being a junior-high P.E. teacher. "Here, take the ball and go over there for 40-minutes."

Typical questions the Hartley's are asked about their "daughters" is: "Is it real?" "Where did you find it?" "How does it work?" "How much did it cost?" "Are there more available?" "Does it bite?" "Can I touch it? "What do you feed it" "Do you crate it?" "Can it be left outside?" "Can you walk it?" "Does it walk?" "Will it get along with my dogs?" "Would my dogs freak and try to kill it?" "Can it die?" "How?"