• 8 years ago
I usually don't like The Vigilant Christian mario. This is an Archive video from The Vigilant Christian Mario Brisson. But edited a little from his original video.

This riot in Brekery and recently in Charlottesville where all faked staged government cover up. Why are they doing this. Because they want to get us to be divided and cause a race war in the lands of America... and the world.

The good one like redsilverj, peekaytruth, and William Cooper does get killed or terminated earlier but those who reveal to be sellout to themselves don't.

Some of the truth used to be my favorite had quited, been murder, or reveal themselves to sell outs as a CoIntelPro agent.

Alex Jones and Infowars, Paul Joseph Watson, WeAreChange(Luke Rudkowski), Mark Dice, ,Gavin Mcinnes and Rebel Media, Tommy Robinson, David Seamen, Stefan Molyneux, Lauren Southern, Steven Crowder, and even David Duke.

Yes, that's right. These asscrack puppets lead you into the Trump deception.

Wait till SJW(Antifa aka alt-leftist) such as The Young Turds, Laci Green, or insert any Feminist.

We will forever be stuck in a deception no matter what party and which candidate they came from. It's a selection for the shadow government elite not an election for the people.
The third party candidate nomination are sellouts too. If only we can find a way to defeat them without delting someone who's a sellout.

Freemasons and Zionist frauds are behind this crap as well.

The only one I think who could be are current honest are Russianvids, TruthMediaRevolution, ACallForAnUprising, NoDisinfo.com, and James Fetzer.
