Letterman Calls For Trump To Resign: ‘It Was An Experiment’ That ‘Hasn’t Worked’

  • 7 years ago
David Letterman says he wants President Trump to resign after referring to his time in office as an unsuccessful “experiment.”

David Letterman says he wants President Trump to resign after referring to his time in office as an unsuccessful “experiment.” 
According to The Hill, the former late-night TV host was on 'The Howard Stern Show' Wednesday, when he said of Trump’s presidency, “It was an experiment. We put an outsider in the office. Well, it hasn’t worked. Just resign.” 
After dismissing the likelihood of an impeachment, Letterman said, “You just get together some people, like his sons, Don Jr. and Don Jr. Get those two guys together. Probably Regis [Philbin], put him on the panel. And Gary Busey. And his daughter, the youngest one, Trumpina. And just go to him and have him sign some papers and just move him down to Mar-a-Lago. They’ll build a little Oval Office for him down there. ‘No, you’re still president, dad.’”
Letterman has been a vocal critic of Trump, telling the Associated Press last month, “If the guy (Trump) was running Dairy Queen, he’d be gone. This guy couldn’t work at The Gap. So why do we have to be victimized by his fecklessness, his ignorance?” 
But he also reportedly said, “...let's just stop whining about what a goon he is and figure out a way to take him aside and put him in a home.” 
According to a recent New York Times piece, Trump made more than 30 appearances on Letterman’s late-night talk show. However, the writer, Jason Zinoman, points out that their relationship was complex even though they had chemistry together. 
In fact, in 2012, Letterman called Trump a racist for promoting the birther movement against former President Obama, notes the Huffington Post.
Trump then said he would boycott the show unless he received an apology which Letterman eventually gave him but with subversive undertones. 
