• 8 years ago
CNN 1:30AM, September 16th, 2001 The first 8 hijacker photos made public were: Mohamed Atta Abdulaziz Al Omari Wail al-Shehri Waleed al-Shehri Marwan .\r
CNN, September 21, 2001 (incomplete) The first five names reported as hijackers for Flight 11 were: Mohamed Atta Abdul Rahman Alomari Adnan Bukhari .\r
broadcasted 8:30 pm. The first five names reported as hijackers were: Mohamed Atta Abdul Rahman Alomari Adnan Bukhari Ameer Bukhari Ameer Taiyb .\r
broadcasted 6:05PM on WUSA CBS 9/13 The first five names reported as hijackers were: Mohamed Atta Abdul Rahman Alomari Adnan Bukhari Ameer Bukhari .\r


