JFK (26 April 1961) "The President and the Press" (Annotated)

  • 7 years ago
This speech by President John F Kennedy (JFK) was delivered to the American Newspaper Publishers' Association on 27 April 1961 - less that 100 days after he took office. It is sometimes referred to as his "Secret Societies" speech.

This video contains most of the speech (in sound and typescript). It begins with a discussion of the temporal context of the speech and ends with consideration of what we can make of this speech - more than fifty years after it was recorded.


Christopher W French: "America the Beautiful" (Public Domain - from http://www.rhythmontherock.com/america_the_beautiful.html)

IMAGES and historic VIDEO footage:

Most images and the soundtrack of the speech are sourced from the Kennedy archives.

Images not from that source are credited at the end of the video.

Elements not created by the video producer are reproduced for nonprofit educational purposes under the fair use provisions of copyright law.


"Road to the White House: JFK's Early Campaign" (1957)
- http://www.pophistorydig.com/topics/tag/u-s-senate-1957/

Re Krushchev 1958 speech:
- https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/1958-11-26.pdf
- http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/sub_document.cfm?document_id=3089
- https://www.wilsoncenter.org/sites/default/files/CWIHPBulletin11_p5.pdf
- https://sputniknews.com/voiceofrussia_uk/news/2014_02_23/Crucial-meeting-between-Khrushchev-and-Macmillan-55-years-ago-2281/

TNC:172 Kennedy-Nixon First Presidential Debate, 1960
- https://youtu.be/gbrcRKqLSRw

"Film by the British Government about the Berlin Airlift" (undated, prior to 1952)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Berlin_airlift.ogv

"Berlin, 1961/08/31"
- https://archive.org/details/1961-08-31_Berlin

"Ä City Torn Apart: Building of the Berlin Wall" (27 Oct 2011)
- https://www.archives.gov/files/research/foreign-policy/cold-war/1961-berlin-crisis/berlin-publication.pdf

"When Castro Heard the News" Jean Daniel, The New Republic, 7 December 1963, pp. 7-9
- https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/WCHN.html

"Unofficial Envoy: An Historic Report from Two Capitals" Jean Daniel, The New Republic, 14 December 1963, pp. 15-20"
- https://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/UnofficialEnvoy.html

"Inspector General's Survey of the Cuban Operation - October 1961"
- http://anusha.com/pigs-all.htm

Time Essay (30 July 1965) "Bay of Pigs Revisited; Lessons from a Failure"
- http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/T%20Disk/Tiger%20to%20Ride%20Bay%20of%20Pigs/Item%2001.pdf

"CIA Claims Release of its History of the Bay of Pigs Debacle Would “Confuse the Public.” (17 April 2012)
- https://nsarchive.wordpress.com/2012/04/17/cia-claims-release-of-its-history-of-the-bay-of-pigs-debacle-would-confuse-the-public/

FOIA Bay of Pigs Release (Updated 31 Oct 2016 )
- https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/bay-pigs-release
