4/5  The Refugees of the Blue Planet

  • 16 年前
This is report about eco-refugees in the world.
In Brazil,Pulp and Paper Industry bought farmer's grounds for a song
under the national policy,then they fell into poverty.
Despite they ordinarily worked as farmer.
Toilet papers are mainly exported to developed nations which are Europe,America and Asia.
Though Brazilian grow Eucalyptus trees,if they worked as farmer at same grounds,
employment will be created 10 times than cultivated Eucalyptus according to a report released by this documentary.
They realize the limitations to put up a fight for these trend then sink into poverty or
to continue living in their grounds covered with pesticide,now.

Though these kind of problemes generically happen in areas other than Europe and North America,
they also happen in Alberta and Calgary of Canada.
These areas are famed for petroleum and Canadian worked agriculture hard there.
In spite of it,they have been marginalized by environmental refugees.
National and local public administration assume an air of ignorance,
instead they and people in these areas have done their share to remove farmers by every avenue.
This documentary apparently criminate what IMF promote extreme privatization and economic liberalization,
in addition what multinationals indeed transact.
Caused by heavy consumption and over-competitive,unconnected people
who are marginalized by ecological refugees.
People of advanced nations mostly consume productions.

United Nations reported that eco-refugees exceed political and military refugees
in 2001 for the first time.Now there are 25 million eco-refugees in the world.

report of 2006 by Canada


