Man hospitalized after cramming drinking glass up his butt

  • 7 years ago
ITALY — An Italian man was hospitalized after firing an 8-by-6 cm drinking glass inside his posterior to get his rocks off.

According to an account of the ordeal in the British Medical Journal Case Reports, the 47-year-old tried to retrieve the glass but it shattered. He waited two days before going to a hospital, reported British tabloid The Sun. There, doctors took an X-ray that shows the glass deep inside the man’s buttocks.

Medical staff performed an anoscopy while he was in the E.R. Next he was put under general anesthesia and transferred to the operating theatre. Medical professionals used forceps to dislodge the broken glassware during a process known as transanal extraction.

It took his rear around three months to fully recover, according to the account in British Medical Case Reports.