Number Of Cities Calling For Trump’s Impeachment Continues To Grow

  • 7 years ago
On Thursday, Brookline, Massachusetts joined the growing number of cities calling for President Trump’s impeachment.

On Thursday, Brookline, Massachusetts joined the growing number of cities "calling on Congress to investigate impeaching President Donald Trump," notes Newsweek.
According to Politico, it is the 10th to do so. The news outlet further notes, “The Massachusetts towns of Cambridge, Amherst, Pelham and Leverett have already made the call, and Newton has a proposal up for consideration. California is another hotbed of impeachment. The Los Angeles city council in early May overwhelmingly passed a measure asking for impeachment proceedings to begin. Richmond, Alameda and Berkeley did the same.” 
At issue for many is Trump’s apparent reluctance to create a satisfying distance between himself and his company, leaving questions about financial benefits he may be enjoying due to his high office, reports Newsweek. 
There are concerns that the president may be in violation of the emoluments clause, a matter, they say, requires a thorough investigation. 
While Brookline is the latest city to organize a call for Congress to launch an inquiry into whether impeachment proceedings are warranted, it may not be the last.
Steps towards an inquiry request are already underway in Chicago. Spearheaded by Ameya Pawar, a member of the city council, the effort is focused both on Trump’s financial matters and the firing of FBI Director James Comey, which, according to Pawar, was an obstruction of justice. 
