Crocodiles attack two people at same Indonesian river in one day

  • 7 years ago
PONTIANAK, WEST KALIMANTAN — In the space of 24 hours, crocodiles have attacked two people at the Mempawah river in Indonesia’s West Kalimantan province, according to local media.

And these two are just the latest. Back in April a croc attacked an elderly woman as she bathed in the river’s cool water.

And on the morning of May 15, her 40-year-old daughter, Sumiati, was next. Around 6:30am Sumiati was brushing her teeth and preparing herself to bath in the river. She never show the croc as it stalked her from behind. And then it lunged, grabbing her right leg in its jaws. It tried to drag her into the water, but Sumiati held on to the toilet ladder for dear life. She managed to get free of the beast, but not before it left a deep wound on her thigh.

Just 12 hours earlier, a 4-year-old boy named Justin fell victim to a crocodile in the very same river. Justin, along with his brother, mother and grandmother were bathing in the water, as they do almost every evening.

Media reports say his mother heard a loud splash and jerked around to see Justin wrenched into the water. She at first thought he’d slipped, but realised the danger when his grandmother screamed.

The animal had seized his neck, causing and left deep lacerations.
He was rushed to a nearby medical clinic for emergency treatment. He will live.

Alarmed by the recent attacks, local police appealed to residents to exercise extreme caution when using the river, especially after heavy rains when the water is high.


