Foot care for plantar fasciitis and heel pain

  • 7 years ago
If you have heel pain in the morning that is not very intense, then it will probably go away on its own in a few weeks using some simple treatments like night bracing. For heel pain that isn't too severe, try one of the remedies below:
Night bracing: Probably the easiest and best remedy, wear a night brace that elevates your foot while you sleep. This pre-stretches the tissues in our sole so that there is no pain in the morning. Many doctors and therapists recommend night splinting with products like the Stretch-Away Plantar Fasciitis Night Brace if you have heel pain from plantar fasciitis. This product eliminates the heel pain before it even starts without expensive splints and therapies. The Stretch-Away Plantar Fasciitis Night Brace does so because doctors designed it to gently stretch the plantar fascia WHILE you sleep. When you wake up and take your first step in the morning, your tissues are already pre-stretched – and this avoids having to stretch out the foot and heel pain.
Rest and ice packs: Avoid activities that put stress on your heels, such as running, standing for long periods or walking on hard surfaces. Use an ice pack or bag of frozen peas on your heel for 15 to 20 minutes three times a day. You can even roll your foot back and forth over a frozen water bottle to both ease the heel pain and stretch your tissues when you wake up in the morning.
Other: Make sure your shoes fit properly and provide plenty of ankle support. If you're an athlete, choose shoes or sneakers appropriate for your sport, and replace them regularly. You should use heel cups or wedges (from a drugstore) which can provide some extra relief from the pressure of each step. You don’t need custom-made orthotics for a simple problem like heel pain. Finally, pain relievers like aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can reduce inflammation and pain when it occurs.

Bottom line: Stop the morning pain before it starts by using a night brace.
