Trump Says 100-Day Mark A 'Ridiculous' Standard, 'Media Will Kill!'

  • 7 years ago
President Trump says 100-day assessment is a "ridiculous standard."

As the Trump presidency approaches 100 days, the president took to Twitter on Friday and posted, "No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!"
He has talked about the 100-day mark in various interviews as well.
Trump told Fox Business recently, "I don't think there's a presidential period of time in the first 100 days where anyone's done nearly what we've been able to do."
During a press briefing on Wednesday, White House press secretary Sean Spicer was asked, "Looking ahead to the 100-day mark, and setting aside executive orders, can you say what the single piece of legislation that you are proudest that you got through Congress that was on the President’s agenda?"
Spicer didn't name a specific legislation but noted, in part, "...we’re not done. We’ve got a little ways before we hit the 100-day mark. So I think what you’ve seen out of this White House is a very robust agenda of activity. There’s a lot of executive orders that I think the President has been pleased with -- not only what they’ve done and what will do, but what they’ve done."
He also said, "And obviously, when you look at the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, it’s another significant one...I think we’re very pleased with what the President has accomplished."
However, the Washington Post noted, "While the Republican president has issued a flurry of executive orders seeking to change the direction on multiple Obama administration policies, he has no major wins on Capitol Hill beyond Gorsuch."